Join a Skills-Focused Community of Career-Driven Veterans

June 26, 2024

Transitioning from military service to civilian life can be challenging, especially when finding a fulfilling career. Redeployable is designed to help veterans navigate this transition successfully. Veterans can join a skills-focused community of career-driven peers and access opportunities to level up their post-military careers.

Built by Purpose-Driven Veterans

Redeployable was founded by Ben Read, a former Sergeant in the British Army who understands firsthand the challenges veterans face when transitioning to civilian life. After leaving the military, Ben worked his way up to become Head of Sales in the tech industry. His journey, marked by ambition, determination, and a bit of luck, taught him the difficulties of getting military skills recognised in the civilian world.

Recognising that his experience could benefit others, Ben founded Redeployable to help veterans leverage their skills and find meaningful work. He is committed to ensuring that the value veterans bring to the table is properly recognised.

Who is the Redeployable Community For?

Early Career Veterans

For those just starting their post-military careers, Redeployable offers a platform to find meaningful connections, access valuable resources, and connect with industry-leading mentors. The community is designed to help veterans accelerate their careers and make successful transitions.

Mid-Career Veterans

Veterans in the middle of their careers can benefit from Redeployable by expanding their professional networks, attending skills-focused events, and connecting with employers offering mid-career opportunities. The community supports continued growth and development.

Experienced Altruists

Experienced veterans who want to give back can participate in Redeployable's mentorship programme. By using their expertise to support fellow veterans, they can guide them through their career journeys and help them achieve their goals, making a significant difference in their lives.

Join Redeployable Today

Redeployable is more than just a career network; it’s a community built by veterans, for veterans. The organisation is dedicated to empowering its members by providing the resources, connections, and support needed to thrive in the civilian job market. Whether veterans are at the beginning of their careers, looking to make a mid-career leap, or wanting to give back through mentorship, Redeployable offers something valuable for everyone.

Veterans are encouraged to join today and take the next step in propelling their post-military careers to new heights. Together, the community can ensure that every veteran finds meaningful, fulfilling work and continues to make a significant impact.

Get Started

Visit Redeployable's website to learn more about the organisation and how to become part of this vibrant community. Sign up today and start accessing the opportunities that will help achieve career goals.

Propel your career with Redeployable – where veterans connect, grow, and succeed.