Are you 40+? Looking for work or training opportunities?

April 16, 2024

For those aged 40 and above seeking to unleash their career potential, Room for Work presents an invaluable opportunity. Offering a free 12-lesson course tailored specifically to mature job seekers, Room for Work is the go-to resource for individuals navigating career transitions.

Joining Room for Work means joining a community of individuals like Robert M, who have discovered newfound confidence and success. Designed to cater to diverse backgrounds, from administrative to managerial and professional roles, the course equips participants with essential job search skills.

In this comprehensive program, participants gain insights into current job search methods, practice competency-based interviews, craft effective CVs, activate networks, and develop speaking skills, among other valuable lessons.

Age should never hinder career aspirations. Visit Room for Work today to unlock the full potential of your career journey. Your next career opportunity awaits!